Mooie erkenningen voor Van Doorne Zorg & Life Sciences-specialisten Who's Who Legal
In de eerste editie van de Who’s Who Legal: Healthcare, zijn 3 Van Doorne Zorg & Life Sciences-specialisten erkend. Volgens het onafhankelijke, internationale medium zijn Willemien Bischot en Cees Jan de Boer leading individuals. Sarah Beeston wordt aangemerkt als Thought Leader.
Over Willemien Bischot zegt WWL:
“Willemien Bischot leads the firm’s healthcare team and has “a marvellous practice and a great reputation” according to peers familiar with her expertise in corporate transactions and governance issues.”
Over Cees Jan de Boer zegt WWL:
“Cees Jan de Boer has in-depth understanding of the healthcare market, with which he expertly conducts and delivers large-scale transactions, and advises on complex contractual matters.”
Over Sarah Beeston zegt WWL:
“Sarah Beeston focuses her standout practice on advising clients in relation to healthcare transactions, and is particularly adept at providing insight into the regulatory and antitrust aspects of deals.”