Friso Foppes

Friso is an experienced merger and acquisition specialist. He is analytical, excellent at sizing up complex technical and interpersonal situations, with a good eye for different perspectives. As an independent thinker, Friso knows how to come up with creative solutions. He is purposeful as well as being deal- and quality-oriented, and he knows how to achieve the best result for the client in a calm, amiable and respectful manner. In doing so, he does not shy away from taking a stand but does so without damaging the relationship.
In his daily practice, Friso assists Dutch and foreign investors, companies and Director-Major Shareholders in (international) mergers, acquisitions, joint ventures, investment rounds and carve-outs. In this regard, he draws on his years of experience to bring transactions and projects to a smooth and structured conclusion, working with his team and external advisers.
Dedication and drive characterise Friso, things that as a passionate trail runner also once took him to the podium of a mountain marathon.