Ruben Verschuren

Ruben is an experienced lawyer in the field of financial regulatory law. Ruben advises financial institutions on licence applications to DNB/AFM as well as on matters relating to financial regulatory law (Wft – the Financial Supervision Act) and the Wwft (the Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing (Prevention) Act).
Recently he has assisted, among others, a financial institution in establishing a branch office, obtaining an authorised agent licence for an insurer, advising a payment card company on the implementation of the Wwft and advising an oil and gas company on its PSD2 licence application.
Ruben previously worked as a lawyer at another law firm and after that as legal counsel at a financial institution. Ruben’s experience means that he is able to look at legal issues from different angles that suit the client’s business operations.
He completed the postgraduate Grotius specialist course on financing and securities in 2019 and completed the certified specialist course in financial law at the University of Amsterdam in 2023 and is therefore included in the CSFL (Certified Specialist Financial Law) register.