Van Doorne is an active member of a variety of international networks

As a leading independent Dutch law firm, we have extensive experience not only in cases in the Netherlands, but also around the world. We have excellent relationships with leading independent law firms in more than 115 countries on all continents and with similar top-tier firms worldwide, which assist us in all legal areas. We also invest in maintaining these international relationships. Being an independent firm with an international network allows us to put together the very best team for every engagement and to draw on local knowledge and facilities. Van Doorne is an active member of a variety of international networks, including WSG, IBA and ITechLaw.
Legal advice that makes a difference
We also have a London branch, as this brings us closer to our clients and companies in the UK and around the world. It also enhances our understanding of the international environment and markets in which our clients operate. Van Doorne’s London office differentiates itself by combining to the point Dutch law legal advice with a clear understanding of the requirements of our US/UK client base and a sound knowledge of the Dutch market. Our London partners divide their time between London and Amsterdam on a weekly basis to ensure that we can continue to provide our client base in London with legal advice that truly adds value and takes in the most recent developments in the Dutch market.
Van Doorne London
100 Bishopsgate
United Kingdom
t: +44 20 7073 0465