Sjoerd Stokmans

Sjoerd is part of the Tax Law team. He specialises in national and international tax law with a focus on the tax aspects of mergers and acquisitions, (internal) reorganisations, private equity investments and the structuring of investment funds.
In collaboration with the Management Scope magazine, Onno Boerstra and Sjoerd Stokmans produced a special issue on management participation. You can request a free copy.
Sjoerd studied Dutch law and tax law at VU Amsterdam and is a member of the Amsterdam Bar Association.
Sjoerd has a distinct ability to find resolutions. He has a talent for coming up with creative and effective solutions to a variety of issues and problems. Whether dealing with complex technical legal issues or conflicts, he always knows how to find a way to a satisfactory solution. His ability to understand and integrate different perspectives, combined with his analytical thinking, enable him to find innovative and clear solutions.