Power shifts
For tomorrow’s questions. Van Doorne.
Countries are becoming more self-interested and less focused on international cooperation. This results in trade barriers (protectionism) and diverse and divergent regulations.
Companies are experiencing the effects of this transition on a daily basis. The power shifts, uncertain commodity markets, vulnerable transportation routes, diverging regulations and sanctions mean that there is a need for geopolitical hedging. This entails a threat, certainly, but also an opportunity. Companies that adapt the best will emerge victorious. Those who embrace change, establish new contracts and collaborations and adapt supply and production lines, are the future winners of international trade.
Van Doorne assists its clients with this transition. We do not see issues, but projects that will ensure our clients’ success. You will not get an answer to a question from us but, rather, a solution to a problem. That’s what we are about. This is true when drafting contracts, dealing with authorities and regulators, and when conducting disputes and international arbitration proceedings. We assist our clients in prominent transactions and in the complex landscape of trade regulations and (export) sanctions. Van Doorne offers its clients comprehensive assistance in setting up or moving a production line, in business compliance and in any related tax advice.