Dylan van Oeveren
Advocaat | Associate
Dylan is advocaat binnen de expertise Procesrecht. Hij adviseert en procedeert over complexe (internationale) geschillen op het gebied van het aanbestedings-, contracten-, aansprakelijkheids- en verzekeringsrecht.
Dylan hanteert een pragmatische aanpak. Daarmee komt hij snel tot effectieve oplossingen die passen bij de bedrijfsvoering van de cliënt. Dylan is naast advocaat ook opgeleid als econoom en excelleert in het maken van de juridische vertaalslag naar de economische realiteit waarin zijn cliënten opereren.
Wanneer het op een procedure aankomt laat Dylan niets van het geluk afhangen. Hij zorgt ervoor dat geen enkel argument gemist wordt en werkt gedreven naar het beste resultaat toe. Daarbij staat uw belang altijd op de eerste plaats.
Geschiloplossing & Verzekering
'Good understanding of the wishes and needs of the client. They take a genuine interest in the client’s organisation.’ ‘They quickly understand the actual problem at hand, work with us on reaching the solution and have in-depth knowledge.’ ‘They always put the interests of the client first. They match the people with the right expertise with the client.’ ‘They stand out for their knowledge and availability. The partner is focused on resolving our situation. As a team, there is good cooperation and communication.’
Geschiloplossing & Verzekering
‘They chose the right strategy and executed it perfectly, handing a strategic win that turned the case upside down. They did not lose sight of the endgame. I would rate their litigation practice as top notch and client care as A+. They are top-quality people. They have the bench strength to handle complex cases and meet tight deadlines.’ 'A skilled team that can advise on very specific company cases and can adapt to tight timelines and client needs. They have shown effective and swift communication with the client, expertise, drafting skills and the ability to keep in mind the client’s needs and preferences.’ ‘Van Doorne’s team led by Sjoerd Kamerbeek was the first in the Dutch market to recognise the growing niche of M&A insurance-related claims and litigation. They invested early and are the current market leader in this area by a stretch.’
Geschiloplossing & Verzekering
'The team has a broad variety of expertise and is excellent in determining strategies.’ ‘A very knowledgeable team that provides expert legal advice in the field of insurance law.’ ‘What makes Van Doorne’s practice unique is the knowledge, the communication skills and the practical and efficient way they approach complicated matters.’ ‘They are among the finest insurance practices on the market.’ ‘Van Doorne has been a major player in the field of insurance technical issues for many years. Van Doorne is a pleasure to work with.’ ‘Clear communication and availability.’
Geschiloplossing & Verzekering
"Firms To Watch" Legal 500 2024 - Dispute Resolution: Class Actions
Geschiloplossing & Verzekering
"The Van Doorne team has broad experience, an outstanding reputation in the market with both clients and professionals" "The lawyers work seamlessly"
Geschiloplossing & Verzekering
Team Litigation