Juliëtte Boeser
Advocaat | Associate
Juliëtte maakt onderdeel uit van het team Sanctierecht & Interne Onderzoeken en Bestuursrecht. Zij legt de focus op vraagstukken op het snijvlak van het strafrecht en het bestuursrecht. Zij heeft zich in het bijzonder toegelegd op handhaving en toezicht, het bestuursstrafrecht, openbaarheid van bestuur en vragen binnen het algemeen bestuursrecht.
Juliëtte heeft een onderscheidend oplossend vermogen. Zij heeft het talent om creatieve en effectieve oplossingen te bedenken voor uiteenlopende uitdagingen en problemen. Haar vermogen om verschillende perspectieven te begrijpen en te integreren, gecombineerd met haar analytische denkwijze en gedrevenheid, stellen haar in staat om innovatieve en duurzame oplossingen te vinden.
Overheid & Regulering
"Van Doorne is able to see the bigger picture" "They lawyers are always to the point and swift in their reactions" "They are easy to reach and can respond quickly and adequately. They quickly understand what is needed in a situation and respond accordingly"
Overheid & Regulering
‘Deep knowledge of markets and legal aspects, pragmatic approach and up to date with the latest trends and developments in the real estate market.’
'We are very satisfied with Van Doorne’s team for their proactive, solution-oriented, and commercially savvy approach. What sets them apart is their ability to foresee challenges and take timely actions to resolve them, adding real value to our business objective. Overall, their capabilities make them a strong contender in the industry, and we are very pleased with their performance.’ ‘The team of Van Doorne showed us a consistent and reliable process, which led us to a good result. There was a good mixed team who advised us in the project. We are very convenient with the work done.’ ‘The team is very well equipped to advise us on all aspects of construction. Their way of working can be described as finding a solution that suits the client. This requires knowledge of the business and the client.’ ‘The practice combines very practical detailed knowledge with legislation and down to earth textual refinement in contracts. Very valuable and convincing in negotiating processes.’
‘We are very satisfied with Van Doorne’s team for their proactive, solution-oriented, and commercially savvy approach. What sets them apart is their ability to foresee challenges and take timely actions to resolve them, adding real value to our business objective. Overall, their capabilities make them a strong contender in the industry, and we are very pleased with their performance.’ ‘Lawyers and notaries at Van Doorne are pragmatic, hands-on, no-nonsense. They are very pleasant to work with. They are also very responsive. ’
‘Van Doorne team excels in guiding clients through compliance and rules-related work. Important attributes include their knowledge, the quality of the work they produce, and their communication and collaborative abilities.’
Team Strafrecht & Handhaving