Willemijn Bouman
Advocaat | Associate
Willemijn is verbonden aan het team Procesrecht. Zij houdt zich bezig met diverse vraagstukken op het gebied van proces-, aansprakelijkheids- en insolventierecht.
Eerder was zij werkzaam bij de praktijkgroep Financiering & Herstructurering.
Willemijn gaat doelgericht en zorgvuldig te werk. Met een praktische aanpak en een scherp oog voor detail, zet zij zich in om de belangen van cliënten te behartigen.
Financiering & Herstructurering
Financiering & Herstructurering
Financiering & Herstructurering
Financiering & Herstructurering
'Their level of knowledge of the real estate finance practice is very high. The team works accurately and fast.’ ‘The team is very good at helping non-Dutch participants understand the local market and potential pitfalls.’ ‘Compared to other firms, Van Doorne offer more hands-on partner involvement. They are also cheaper, but the standard of service is equivalent or higher.’ ‘They are by far the best law firm we have worked with in the Netherlands.’ ‘The real estate finance team has a deep knowledge of the Dutch market that helps when it comes to providing financing. They are responsive and business oriented to bridge the gap in negotiations but clear on the red lines that it can’t be crossed. Angelique Thiele loves getting to the bottom of the issues to provide a sensible approach.’
Financiering & Herstructurering
'The team consists of pleasant and knowledgeable professionals.’
Financiering & Herstructurering
‘The team is very experienced, knowledgeable and has a hands-on approach. Both legal and notary services are available.’ ‘They provide excellent customer services and are top of the class in the Dutch real estate finance industry.’ ‘The Van Doorne financing team is well known in the Dutch market and very experienced in finance transactions. The team can work fast, they are pragmatic and they able to get the deal done within the agreed timeframe.’
Financiering & Herstructurering
‘Great in-depth knowledge of the Dutch asset management industry.’
Financiering & Herstructurering
"The team provide an excellent balance between theoretical positions, market standard and points achievable in the given circumstances" "Van Doorne lawyers have a very good understanding of our pinch points and are very good at tailoring their advice accordingly"
Financiering & Herstructurering
Team Litigation
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