Mooie Legal 500 rankings voor Van Doorne
Vandaag heeft Legal 500 de rankings van 2016 gepubliceerd. Van Doorne heeft prachtige vermeldingen en is geranked als Top Tier Firm in Employment, in Insurance, in Industry focus – IT, en in Industry focus – Food and beverages.
De jaarlijkse ranglijsten worden gebaseerd op feedback van cliënten en peer reviews. Legal 500 is één van de meest toonaangevende gidsen in de internationale advocatuur.
Hieronder een selectie van onze rankings.
Legal 500 2016
Employment: The team is praised for its business acumen and speedy response times. Senior associate Barbara Voermans is recommended.
Corporate and M&A: The ‘professional’ team at Van Doorne is an ‘excellent advisory and legal partner’ and has the capacity to handle a high volume of corporate transactions.
EU and competition EU and competition: The ‘respected and well-informed’ department at Van Doorne is particularly noted for its public procurement practice, where it has a ‘high level of knowledge’. In 2015, the team advised numerous clients in the healthcare sector on merger clearance. The ‘practical’ Gijs Verberne and ‘hands-on’ Sarah Beeston are recommended.
Intellectual Property: Sharp’, ‘quick’ Remco van Leeuwen, practice head at Van Doorne, is praised for his ‘good business acumen’, ‘thorough legal knowledge’ and ‘brilliant strategic advice’.
Real Estate: Van Doorne’s ‘very good’ team is led by Annerie Ploumen. The ‘sharp’, ‘humorous’ Cees Kniestedt is recommended. Senior associate Joris Bal is ‘excellent’.
Asset Finance and Structured Finance: Van Doorne is particularly strong in real estate finance, and has experience advising on the acquisition and transfer of real estate portfolios and complex multi-loan securitisation transactions.
Arbitration: Senior associates Sjoerd Kamerbeek and Bas van Zelst are ‘extremely talented young lawyers’.
De volledige rankings zijn op de website van Legal 500 te bekijken.